tedit v0.9

Instruction manual and guide to all things Tasty Static level editor

Tasty Static is a clone of the classic DOS game Skyroads, a jumpy platformy racing game. In the game the player controls a hovercraft by using the up and down arrows to accelerate and decelerate, left and right to steer, and spacebar to jump. The player cannot change direction mid-jump and the slower the player is moving forward the slower the player moves from side to side. If the player hits anything while moving at too high a speed, they explode and have to restart at the beginning of the track. If they fall off the track or their charge meter runs all the way down, they have to restart as well. Along the way, the player may encounter special platforms that have strange effects on the hovercraft. The goal is to make it to the winning tunnel at the end of each track in one piece :]

tedit is the level editor for Tasty Static. It's not very user-friendly and could probably be streamlined a lot more than it is, but that's why it's only version 0.8 and not some pretty number like 1.0 or 1.5 or 2.0. tedit contains tools for making bastard levels that will make players want to tear their hair out. It's suggested you save a lot in case the editor crashes, which shouldn't happen but is always a possibility

Controlling the camera

Creating objects

Manipulating objects

The Track menu

The Mode menu


The color editor

Check Show Color Editor in the mode menu to display the Color Editor window. You can use this window to change the appearance of track objects.